Positional Technology

Our unique “positional technology” gives us a much wider range of situations where our cars will be able to drive safely. It is done with two very different things:
  • A map that will show all roads and lanes with the accuracy of +/- 4 cm, plus
  • Knowing the actual position of the car (lat/long) with the accuracy of +/- 4 cm.
This means that without any sensors of any kind, each car will know where it is, in the worst case, +/- 8 cm – less than ½ of the tread of a tire.
In cities or where significant buildings stand, our car will know where it is with higher accuracy.
Augmented with INS (inertial navigation system) we will be able to know where we are with high accuracy, even in a tunnel with all lights out and all headlights have failed….at least for a while.
The sensors will allow our cars to know what is around them.
Between the two – highly accurate positional information, and sensors telling us about the location of objects around us, our cars will be able to drive confidently and safely under almost all situations.

Under the snow is a four-lane highway. Our cars will be able to drive safely within any lane it chooses. If there is a storm and a white-out blanks out everything, each of our cars will know exactly where it is.